87 research outputs found


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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Sequence divergence and retrotransposon insertion underlie interspecific epigenetic differences in primates

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    内在性レトロウイルス配列によってヒトのエピゲノムが変化してきたことを発見! --ヒトとチンパンジーのiPS細胞の比較解析から--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-12.Changes in the epigenome can affect the phenotype without the presence of changes in the genomic sequence. Given the high identity of the human and chimpanzee genome sequences, a substantial portion of their phenotypic divergence likely arises from epigenomic differences between the two species. In this study, the transcriptome and epigenome were determined for induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from human and chimpanzee individuals. The transcriptome and epigenomes for trimethylated histone H3 at lysine-4 (H3K4me3) and lysine-27 (H3K27me3) showed high levels of similarity between the two species. However, there were some differences in histone modifications. Although such regions, in general, did not show significant enrichment of interspecies nucleotide variations, gains in binding motifs for pluripotency-related transcription factors, especially POU5F1 and SOX2, were frequently found in species-specific H3K4me3 regions. We also revealed that species-specific insertions of retrotransposons, including the LTR5_Hs subfamily in human and a newly identified LTR5_Pt subfamily in chimpanzee, created species-specific H3K4me3 regions associated with increased expression of nearby genes. Human iPSCs have more species-specific H3K27me3 regions, resulting in more abundant bivalent domains. Only a limited number of these species-specific H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 regions overlap with species-biased enhancers in cranial neural crest cells, suggesting that differences in the epigenetic state of developmental enhancers appear late in development. Therefore, iPSCs serve as a suitable starting material for studying evolutionary changes in epigenome dynamics during development

    Correlation between musculoskeletal structure of the hand and primate locomotion: Morphometric and mechanical analysis in prehension using the cross- and triple-ratios

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    Biometric ratios of the relative length of the rays in the hand have been analyzed between primate species in the light of their hand function or phylogeny. However, how relative lengths among phalanges are mechanically linked to the grasping function of primates with different locomotor behaviors remains unclear. To clarify this, we calculated cross and triple-ratios, which are related to the torque distribution, and the torque generation mode at different joint angles using the lengths of the phalanges and metacarpal bones in 52 primates belonging to 25 species. The torque exerted on the finger joint and traction force of the flexor tendons necessary for a cylindrical grip and a suspensory hand posture were calculated using the moment arm of flexor tendons measured on magnetic resonance images, and were compared among\ua0Hylobates\ua0spp.,\ua0Ateles\ua0sp., and\ua0Papio hamadryas. Finally, the torques calculated from the model were validated by a mechanical study detecting the force exerted on the phalanx by pulling the digital flexor muscles during suspension in these three species. Canonical discriminant analysis of cross and triple-ratios classified primates almost in accordance with their current classification based on locomotor behavior. The traction force was markedly reduced with flexion of the MCP joint parallel to the torque in brachiating primates; this was notably lower in the terrestrial quadrupedal primates than in the arboreal primates at mild flexion. Our mechanical study supported these features in the torque and traction force generation efficiencies. Our results suggest that suspensory or terrestrial quadrupedal primates have hand structures that can exert more torque at a suspensory posture, or palmigrade and digitigrade locomotion, respectively. Furthermore, our study suggests availability of the cross and triple-ratios as one of the indicators to estimate the hand function from the skeletal structure


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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所 2階 大会議

    Scientific and human errors in a snow model intercomparison

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    International audienceTwenty-seven models participated in the Earth System Model - Snow Model Intercomparison Project (ESM-SnowMIP), the most data-rich MIP dedicated to snow modelling. Our findings do not support the hypothesis advanced by previous snow MIPs: evaluating models against more variables, and providing evaluation datasets extended temporally and spatially does not facilitate identification of key new processes requiring improvement to model snow mass and energy budgets, even at point scales. In fact, the same modelling issues identified by previous snow MIPs arose: albedo is a major source of uncertainty, surface exchange parametrizations are problematic and individual model performance is inconsistent. This lack of progress is attributed partly to the large number of human errors that led to anomalous model behaviour and to numerous resubmissions. It is unclear how widespread such errors are in our field and others; dedicated time and resources will be needed to tackle this issue to prevent highly sophisticated models and their research outputs from being vulnerable because of avoidable human mistakes. The design of and the data available to successive snow MIPs were also questioned. Evaluation of models against bulk snow properties was found to be sufficient for15 some but inappropriate for more complex snow models whose skills at simulating internal snow properties remained untested. Discussions between the authors of this paper on the purpose of MIPs revealed varied, and sometimes contradictory, motivations behind their participation. These findings started a collaborative effort to adapt future snow MIPs to respond to the diverse needs of the communit

    Snow cover duration trends observed at sites and predicted by multiple models

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    The 30-year simulations of seasonal snow cover in 22 physically based models driven with bias-corrected meteorological reanalyses are examined at four sites with long records of snow observations. Annual snow cover durations differ widely between models, but interannual variations are strongly correlated because of the common driving data. No significant trends are observed in starting dates for seasonal snow cover, but there are significant trends towards snow cover ending earlier at two of the sites in observations and most of the models. A simplified model with just two parameters controlling solar radiation and sensible heat contributions to snowmelt spans the ranges of snow cover durations and trends. This model predicts that sites where snow persists beyond annual peaks in solar radiation and air temperature will experience rapid decreases in snow cover duration with warming as snow begins to melt earlier and at times of year with more energy available for melting


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     本研究の目的は足浴が膝関節などの運動器に負担をかけない有酸素運動となるか検討することである。高齢者29名(平均73.2歳)を対象に、3人1組で開始42℃、終了時40℃の足浴を30分間行った。脈拍数、前額部および両下肢皮膚温の測定、主観的な運動感の評価を行い、分析は対応のある一元配置分散分析、Friedman検定を行った。結果、脈拍数の増加が認められたが、40%の運動強度となる脈拍数になった者はいなかった。前額部皮膚温は足浴による影響の傾向がみられ( P = 0.058)、下肢皮膚温は影響が認められた( P < 0.000)。主観的評価では「運動した感じ」、「身体が軽くなった感じ」、「足が軽くなった感じ」の変化に有意差があった(いずれも P < 0.000)。足浴が有酸素運動となるかの指標としては、脈拍数のみではなく、酸素消費量等の観点からの検討も必要と考えられた